DES MOINES — The efforts of a number of long-time volunteers and employees of the Des Moines Council were recognized this morning during the society’s quarterly meeting at the Basilica of St. John.
“I want to share a few thoughts about the value of volunteers summed up in three quotes. The first is, ‘Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.’ The second is, ‘Don’t ever question the value of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals.’ And, finally, ‘Volunteers are not paid — not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless,'” said executive director Eric Woolson. “Our volunteers truly are priceless. They not only have heart, but faith, energy, good humor and so many other wonderful assets. We could not do what we do at the thrift store without them.”
Council President Jim Wachuta presented service pins to volunteers and employees who were present. Volunteer recipients included:
Five-year pins: Al Minear, Shauna Bury and Harriette Hawks.
Ten-year pins: Regina Pirtle and Larry Schmitz.
15-year pins: Mary Jo Rageller, Kathy Van Sloun and Della Kinkel.
30 year pins: Marguerite Wines, Betty Wines, Cathy Schuster, Dick Schuster and Clara Sertich.
“When it comes to employees … this advice was offered to business leaders, ‘Encourage your people to be committed to a project rather than just involved in it.’ I can tell you without a doubt, every one of our employees is committed to our cause and doing the best job they can do. And, that’s what has made the Society’s thrift store, social services and literacy center work as well as they do,” Woolson said.
Services pins were presented to the following employees:
Five years: Jerry LaRue, Jr.
10 years: Fidel Romero, Mary Beck, Jaime Jasso, Jessica Daab and John DeMaranville
30 years: Rita Vera.